Cars being one of the major necessities these days, it needs protection. To shield your or a third party car from any loss or damage, car insurance is must. The government mandates the purchase of a Car Insurance for your personal safety. You can choose the best policy with Finpandit’s analysis based on your risk profile, and also decide the scope of protection.
Increasing traffic and poor quality of roads make a road safety cover important. With the likelihood of accidents on the rise, the damage to your bikes and scooters is increasing too. A Two-wheeler Insurance assures protection against these risks.
With a Commercial Vehicle Insurance in place, businesses dependent on such vehicles can enjoy peace of mind smooth functioning of business in case of mishaps. This category of vehicles includes passenger vehicles like taxies, buses, auto-rickshaws, heavy duty vehicles like trucks, carriers, cranes, etc.
Liability Only Policy
A mandatory Liability Only policy is a Third Party Insurance policy which covers the damage/loss made by your vehicle to a third party. This covers the damage to a third party vehicle as well as injuries caused to any person in the accident.
Comprehensive Package Policy
An extension to the Liability Only policy, the Comprehensive Package policy additionally covers the damage/loss to the vehicle of the insured as well.
Demand for Motor Insurance and competition among the insurers leads to newer policies and frequent updates in the existing offerings. Hence, it becomes difficult to choose the perfect policy. We at Finpandit make it easier by understanding your risk profile and picking the best fit policy for you. With relevant, up-to-date information and insights about different policies for comparison, seamless purchase procedure, and easy claim processing, we aim at helping your family get through tough times together.